Днес нито един български рефер няма
валиден лиценз за ВКФ /WKF !
Поканата за следващия международен семинар в Австрия можете да намерите тук!
WKF HEAD OFFICE work very hard in cooperation with our IRC- “IRC -International rules committee”to train our international officials and referees.
To work on protests and requests for the competition rules and to develop our various WKF rules.
History has shown nothing is set in stone.

As the world know – our next World referee seminar will be held October 21st 2022 in Austria.

Just the weekend before the WKF European Championships in the City Wels in Austria..
The next but one World referee seminar will be held in spring 2023 in China, the weekend just before the Asian Championships in Hainan.
Without valid WKF license you are not an official in our World Kickboxing Federation!!

Today WKF has more than 100 international licensed referees on 6 continents, photos here !
The current list of WKF judges can be found here
Of these, unfortunately, we only have seven female officials.
Like all knowledge, more and more strong female champions and athletes are fighting
Our executive board therefore emphatically requests all WKF country presidents to send more female referees to the seminar in Romania.
It’s in your hands !
we need more female officials in the ring